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Suning Sport 肃宁体育

本文发布时间: 2018-Jul-29

16-DEC-2018 12:37pm (UTC +8:00) 更新以下內容

中国河北省肃宁县(Suning County, Hebei Province, China)为传承优秀民族文化之武术体育,肃宁县教育局(Suning County Education Bureau)将"戳脚"传统武术体育学习引入校园,聘请优秀武师定期授课,丰富校园体育文化(Sport),推广传统武术体育。肃宁县戳脚第六代传人苗晓兰在肃宁第四中学带领学生练习戳脚拳术。

Chuojiao (Chinese: 戳腳; pinyin: Chuojiao; literally: "poking foot") is a Chinese martial art sport that comprises many jumps, kicks, and fast fist sequences. The fist and feet work in unison and strike continuously forward, like "falling meteorites", never giving the opponent a moment to recover. The qinggong portion of this style's training involves a practitioner jumping against a wall with heavy weights affixed to his/her calves. This style is practiced mainly in central Hebei, northern China, Beijing and Liaoning in North-eastern China.
戳脚 (Chuo Jiao , Poking feet),中国拳术之一。以腿脚功夫为主,相传起于宋代,盛于明清。中国民间传说的武松醉打蒋门神的故事,说是武松使用了戳脚里的玉环步、鸳鸯脚,所以现在还有人把“戳脚”称作"水浒门"。
Chuojiao originated in the Northern Song Dynasty (A.D.960 – A.D.1127) and became popular during the Ming and Qing Dynasties (A.D.1368 – A.D.1911). The source from Wu Binlou, a famous Chuojiao expert and founder of Beijing style, believed Chuojiao comes from the Wen Family Boxing style of the Song dynasty (A.D.960 – A.D.1279).

2014年11月11日,戳脚 经中国国务院批准列入第四批中国国家级非物质文化遗产名录 China Intangible Cultural Heritage 。
An intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is a practice, representation, expression, knowledge, or skill, as well as the instruments, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces that are considered by UNESCO to be part of a place's cultural heritage. Intangible cultural heritage is considered by Member States of UNESCO in relation to the tangible World Heritage focusing on intangible aspects of culture. In 2001, UNESCO made a survey among States and NGOs to try to agree on a definition, and the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage was drafted in 2003 for its protection and promotion.
In December 2004 China ratified UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and in 2005, under the coordination of the Ministry of Culture, the Office of Ministry Level Joint Conference was established to undertake the work of making the guidelines and policies for Chinese intangible cultural protection, and to examine, approve, and coordinate protection programs for Chinese intangible cultural heritage.
As of 2015, China has 38 elements inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The first batch of The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China, released by the Ministry of Culture on 20 May 2006, included an ambitious 518 different items. Most of the nation’s province-level administrative units followed suit, drawing up lists of their own, as did many municipal- and county-level administrative units such as prefecture-level cities or districts.The number of elements is testament to the tremendous variety of arts and culture found in a country as geographically vast, historically rich, and ethnically diverse as China.
It is clear that in order for the many and varied traditions making up the cultural heritages of China to be given the comprehensive attention they deserve, local organizations, government and non-government alike, must play a significant role.

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